Conferences and Presentations

Teams of Leaders (ToL) is an approach for rapidly building and effectively employing cross-boundary teams that are highly competent in making and executing decisions, and in learning and adapting together. The ToL approach helps leader-teams to gain a common understanding of the situation and requirements, develop shared purpose, trust and confidence, and reach a higher level of performance faster.

This approach has proven successful in improving performance in both hierarchical and in peer-to-peer teams and in cross boundary teams - across units or departments within an organization, across organizations, across regions or across countries.

Bioresponse - NATO Innovation Hub Challenge 2022

June 28, 2022 - NATO Innovation Hub Challenge 2022 - Final Pitch

  • Preventing Failure: Training Executive Leaders in Biocrisis Management Using Networkcentric Metaverse Technology, Networkcentric Teams of Leaders, Team Lead - Dag von Lubitz

Previous Seminars and Conference Presentations

June 3, 2015 - The Science of Science Teams, NIH, Bethesda, MD

  • Building Effective Transdisciplinary Research Teams, Candace Gibson and Dag von Lubitz

April 22, 2014 – 5th Annual Public Health Summit, Mount Pleasant, MI

  • The Impact of the Teams of Leaders Concept on Large Scale, Community-led Public Health Operations, Dag von Lubitz and Candace Gibson

May 1-3, 2013 - Communicate, Co-operate, Collaborate, Innovate (C3I): Generating Actionable Understanding in Crises and Disasters, Spencer Executive Leadership Centre, London, ON

  • The Second International Conference on Collaboration was held at the Ivey Spencer Leadership Centre at the Richard Ivey School of Business, Western University, in London, Ontario. The conference focused on the principles of collaboration among the broad range of private and governmental organizations forced to interact in the complex environment of the increasingly unpredictable world of local, national, and international politics, business, security, and social tension. The sub-theme of C3I (Communicate, Cooperate, Collaborate, Innovate) is Crises and Disasters - the perfect example of exceedingly complex events capable of dramatically altering the fabric of entire societies, and where return of pre-crisis stability is possible only through the closest collaboration among all affected entities.


May 10-11, 2012 - Collaboration: Living Together, Working Together, Achieving Together, Spencer Executive Leadership Centre, London, ON

  • First Collaboration conference held in North America - The conference consisted of a series of morning lectures by distinguished representatives of the Canadian and US military, academia, healthcare, and government followed by a ToL workshop. Participants were introduced to, then guided in, the practical execution of essential ToL skills guided by senior mentors involved in ToL development and implementation.
    Click to view Photos from this event
  • Teams of Leaders - a 5-minute interview with Ivey Professor Gerard Seijts and Associate Professor Candace Gibson of Western's Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry on the conference and the importance of collaborative decision-making teams.

April 25, 2012 - Advances in Health Informatics, York University, Toronto, ON

November , 2011 - Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation, and Education Conference (I/ITSEC), Orlando, FL

  • Building Effective Leader Teams Faster, Mike Prevou, Bradley Hilton, Michael Hower, & Linda McGurn

October 19-20, 2011 - it Healthcare Conference & Exhibition, Toronto, ON

  • People, Technology, and Healthcare: Collaborative Leadership and the Teams of Leaders (ToL) Concept, Dag von Lubitz, PhD, MD (Sc) & Candace Gibson, PhD, CHIM

October 2-4, 2011 - 12th Annual National Outreach Scholarship Conference, MSU, East Lansing, MI

  • Building Teams of Leaders in Healthcare: Collaborating for Success, Candace Gibson, PhD, CHIM, Jessica Gardon Rose, PA, M.Ed, CGSP, Dag von Lubitz, PhD, MD (Sc) & Steven Berkshire, EdD, MHA, SPHR

April 2-3, 2011 - UAEM at Central Michigan University - Improving Global and Local Health Disparities: A Collaboration across Disciplines, CMU, Mt Pleasant, MI

  • Building the Together We Can! Health Improvement Campaign in Central Michigan, Jessica Gardon Rose, Candace Gibson, Mary Kushion & Dag von Lubitz
  • Collaborating for Success: Building Teams of Leaders in Healthcare, Candace Gibson, Jessica Gardon Rose, Frederic Brown, Mike Prevou and Dag von Lubitz

"Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success."

Henry Ford

  Teams of Leaders